Birthday, and stuff.

I’m going to skip the whole “Ooops, I didn’t blog for ages” I have no reason, I just forgot, oops.

My birthday was on the 6th of October, so naturally I ended up getting some gifts (I LOVE GIFTS)
I got quite a lot of alcohol.
– bottle of wine
– three bottles of vodka
And I also got some other stuff for my birthday.
– two 15$ giftcards for bodyartforms.
– one 50$ giftcard for bodyartforms.
– money via paypal to buy whatever I wanted.
– giftcard on etsy, to buy whatever.
So of course, I spent all the giftcards right away!

I bought a ton of plugs in 3/4″, also known as 19mm.

Double flare plugs.
– Sapphire colourfronts (Glasswear Studios)
– Black colourfronts (Glasswear Studios)
– Opalite plugs (maker unknown)
– Jellyfish plugs, Amber/purple on Indigo Sparkle (Glasswear Studios)
– Blood splatter smiley plug (Mysticmetalsorganics/Etsy maker)
I also got myself a little plug pouch, with kittens on it, it’s adorable!


Tiny update-ish thing.

A little update. 
I am ok. 
Been dealing with some stress lately, and sort of lost motivation to keep writing on my blog, I’ve been sort of “engulfed” in self-hatred, and I’ve been overthinking things to much, making things much harder, and more complicated for myself. 
But I am ok now. 
Photo on 06-09-14 at 17.51

Bike review!

So, I said I’d do a bike review as soon as I got the bike (I think).. So, I’ve had the bike since monday now, so for a full week!

First impression : I love it!
It’s very nice to ride on, seat is comfy, not the most amazing seat my butt has ever touched, but it’s nice.
So far I’ve used it almost everyday, except for yesterday and today, because I had plans and I was exausted when I got home but all in all, it’s super cute, and amazing, and cozy and I feel super girly on it! I know this isnt a proper proper review but it’s the best I can do.. (haha, that rhymed)


I just bought a bike.

I’ve wanted to get myself a new bike eversince my old bike got stolen while I was at folk high school, but I didn’t just want some basic random shitty bike, I wanted to buy myself a prettier one, a sort of retro bike, the ones you sit up straight in, not hunched over, back aching etc. Didn’t want that. Recently I started searching for this bike again, and I stumbled across the electra line, after seeing an electra bike in my city (Stavanger) and I decided to google search this brand, looked at some of their bikes, decided on one, and tried to find a place where they sold these bikes in Norway, and I found a netsite called “” they specialize in retro-style bikes and accressories for these bikes. AWESOME! So on I went, foind my bike, and today/tonight, at close to eveleven at night, I bought my bike, and some stuff to go with it. I’m beyon excited!

The bike I bought : Electra Amsterdam Classic 3i
The extra stuff,
– bike bell with “I <3my bike” on it.
– basket atatchement for the front of the bike.
– front basket.
– basket to hang of the back of the bike.

Review will be here as ssoon as I get the bike! so stay tuned!

Onsigbaar out!

I took that massive step.. and I met a wall.

It’s a huge step for me to admit that I need help.. and that I could possibly get that help in a physicriatic hospital.. so I told my mum, we got a doctors apointment, went through there.. My doctor asked me a billion questions, one wich was repeated atleast 40 times “Are you sure you want to do this?” wich I replied more and more annoyed every time.. “I’m here for a reason, arent I???” I ended up walking off from that apointment because I was getting NOWHERE.. I walked home, she called the hospital, they decided that they wanted to “shield” me from the ward at the hospital, and wanted to admit me at the place with my shrink, it’s also a ward.. so I went there the day after my failed doctors apointment, you’d think they had spoken together so I could avoid all the same damn questions all over again? No.. and she decided that I wouldnt profit from an admition.. So yeah, I asked for help and got told I wasnt sick enough. Right now I don’t feel like I’m “good enough/sick enough” and it’s not a nice feeling.. It took a lot for me to ask for this help.. When I was in the hospital due to mye overdose (look back a few post’s, you’ll find it) they offered me a spot, but I felt like I didn’t deserve it.. but when I finally get to grips around it all, they said I could change my mind later on, then I’m suddenly not sick enough? like what do I have to do, to get the damn help I need..? Fuck this.

Because why not.

I bought more stuff recently.. <.< No I don’t have a problem with spending to much money!
I’m currently waiting for four parcels.
two t-shirts from
and some stuff from

I got two supernatural themed t-shirts from popuptee, they are awesome!Collagewinchester

And from bodyartforms I got a pair of large anatomical brass heart weights, made by Diablo Organics, a pair of 14mm jellyfish plugs, identical to my 16mm pair, as a gift for a friend, they’re made by glasswear studios, and I also got an 8g black pyrex septum retainer, also made by gws. :3 Pretty excited about all this stuff.
